The Honey Team, where it all started…

John has always been fascinated with the bees and their incredible ability to produce a variety of health-giving products. A love of honey and what it can do for you and your health has been a driving force within our team management.

The Honey Team NZ Ltd was started by John and Rose back in 2003 when John who had a keen interest in bees, having been a farmer for more than 20 years, felt his experience in livestock management and business would transfer well into the beekeeping industry.

Honey has always been a part of who we are with much of our extended family involved for many years in the beekeeping and honey industry in New Zealand. Over the following 15 years, we built up a strong and successful beekeeping business in Northland, New Zealand. What started as 100 hives and an owner-operator then grew into a large beekeeping operation of up to 4,000 beehives and many staff.

The Honey Team - New Zealand Manuka Honey exporters

In 2015 we decided to sell off part of the beekeeping business to be able to operate on a smaller scale but at a more intense level, focusing more time and energy on each individual hive and predominantly on a higher quality manuka honey.

In addition to this, we also wanted to allow more time to commit to other interests in our lives as well as focusing on honey supply by sourcing honey from independent beekeepers. In this way, we can ensure there is always a large inventory of manuka honey on hand to meet the needs of growing market demands.

The Honey Team - New Zealand Manuka Honey exporters

Being passionate and hardworking has been a major part of The Honey Team’s success.

We are a family owned and operated business and have always been surrounded by a great team of people ensuring the work of The Honey Team is completed to a high standard.

Our Team also takes care to make sure all the industry requirements are not only met but are often exceeded where practical.

We are now assisted on the field, in the factory, and around the premises by our 5 children who have also developed a passion for Manuka Honey, one of New Zealand’s purest health foods.

The Honey Team

John Whitehead
John WhiteheadCEO
I own the business, together with my wife, Rose and am responsible for the overall management and direction of The Honey Team.

My role is from head of beekeeping to the overseeing of the harvesting and blending of our Manuka Honey. I ensure we have a quality product which meets both the local and international market demand while maintaining strong relationships with landowners, independent beekeepers, and our clients who purchase our wholesale product.

Rose Whitehead
I own the business, together with my husband John.

I undertake the role of Finance Manager and am also responsible for the accounts and the overall management of the office along with the Health and Safety.

I am passionate our people and introducing new innovative processes to ensure all work is completed to a high standard. I love seeing our staff grow and develop in their roles within the team and as individuals.

Lara Blake
My journey with The Honey Team began back in 2009.

My position within the team is Sales/Export Manager and I am also responsible for the Logistics and Quality Control aspects of the business.

I oversee the inventory, monitor the quality of the honey and ensure all the paperwork from “bee site to honey sale” is properly documented and completed to a high standard to ensure it meets New Zealand Export requirements.

Terri Betts
I had the pleasure of joining The Honey Team earlier this year as their Office Manager/PA. I look after all things administrative in our busy office and am the first point of call for our many customers either by email, phone or in person.

I have gained extensive administrative experience in many different work environments across the globe including the Middle East, UK and now New Zealand, which is home, and am delighted to be part of this amazing team and brand here in Northland.

Our Motivation

Integrity and honesty are part of who we are, and they are the foundation on which our business has been built. Our love of honey and knowing first-hand what it has done for our health has been a driving force within our team. We pride ourselves on being trustworthy, fair and ethical in all aspects of our business.

A passion for bees and what they do for our planet is at the heart of our brand.

We continuously move forward, innovating and perfecting our product to ensure that only exceptional quality Manuka Honey is produced with the aim of improving and supporting the health of people worldwide.

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