Why Our Honey
We are commercial beekeepers and specialist blenders of honey who have been in the industry for over 15 years.
Our honey blending facilities enable us to supply large homogenous batches of Manuka Honey to buyers wanting to pack honey under their own label. Up to 30 metric tons per homogenous batch means you can be assured of a consistent line of honey when you buy from us.
We are keen to establish long term marketing relationships with honey packers and international companies who want both ‘Quality and Quantity’.
Our Manuka Honey is produced in varying grades ranging from MGO 83+ (NPA 5+) of which there is always a ready supply available, through to MGO900+ (NPA 20+) which is produced to order.
We have, over the years been a major supplier of substantial quantities of bulk Manuka Honey to some of the world’s larger most recognised premium brands and stores.
Our goal has always been to produce and supply a quality product, which starts from carefully managed beehives – where the health of our bees is of paramount importance – to the strategic placement of the hives in only the best locations around the beautiful Northland countryside, through to the gentle processing of the honey in our professional extraction facility – all so we can bring you the best New Zealand Manuka Honey available.
To find out more about us and how we can help you to achieve your honey goals please continue to browse our website or contact us.

Hive Health
Our priority is to have strong healthy bee colonies on our strategically chosen prime hive sites, from which we can harvest high quality Manuka Honey which is then gently and professionally extracted through our accredited processing facility.
The health of the hive is of major importance to us and so we monitor things very closely to ensure the environment our bees live and work in and the plants on which they forage, are uncontaminated.
We farm the hives late winter/early spring on high quality pollen sources enhancing an early spring buildup of large numbers of healthy bees enabling hives to reach optimum strength as they move into the nectar flow which produces the honey.
The Environment
Our hives are situated between the East and West Coasts of Northland New Zealand and are placed on some of the best Manuka and Bush sites in the region. We enjoy going to work every day in such a pristine environment where so many of the nectar sources our bees forage upon, are wild and uncultivated.
We always move carefully when we work the hives, making minimal impact on the environment. We are committed to sustainable and safe methods of honey production that reduce environmental degradation, maintain the land and support the economic viability of family farms and rural communities.
Production Facility
Our facilities are of a very high standard and we pride ourselves on the fact that we oversee the full production process from harvesting the honey through to drumming it off ready for export.
Our processing facility operates under a Risk Management Programme (RMP) which is audited twice yearly by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand to ensure that all our procedures and equipment meet the industry standards; we have always received a glowing report.
Our extraction facility is well managed with high standards of cleanliness and we maintain full traceability records of where the honey has come from. After the honey is extracted from the frames and gently processed in a manner that retains its natural purity, the honey is then put into a vat where it is thoroughly stirred to form a homogenised batch of honey. Rigorous tests are conducted on each batch of honey before it is drummed off ready for the wholesale market.
We operate under a New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Risk Management Programme and we are regularly audited to ensure that all our processes comply with Quality Assurance standards set out in the Operational Code for Processing of Bee Products. We are an EU listed Export Bee Products Processor and we are registered with MPI as an approved Exporter of Animal Products so not only are we familiar with the export process, we are also able to arrange and complete all the export documentation in house.

Quality Control
We employ rigorous Quality Control processes to ensure our honey meets all export standards and we regularly test our honey with two independent and internationally accredited laboratories here in New Zealand. One is Analytica Laboratories and the other is Hill Laboratories.
Our standard regime includes testing for Non-peroxide Activity (NPA)/Methylglyoxal (MGO), Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), MPI Manuka Chemical Markers, MPI Manuka DNA Pollen Markers, AOAC C4 Sugars, Tutin and Moisture. We can also undertake additional tests upon request, if and when required, for example, Diastase, Glysophate, Amitraz, etc.
Our Manuka honey is produced in varying grades ranging from MGO 83+ (NPA 5+) of which there is always a ready supply available, through to MGO 900+ (NPA 20+) which is produced to order.