One of NZ’s Best Honey Exporters

As a Honey Exporter and bulk supplier of Premium Manuka Honey, we can consistently supply you with both Quality and Quantity – all at a realistic price so that you can be confident of success!

Buying top quality honey could not be easier:

  • We can produce varying grades of Manuka ranging from MGO 83+ (NPA 5+) through to MGO 829+ (NPA 20+)
  • We can supply large homogenous lines of honey – up to 30 tons per batch
  • Our honey is rigorously tested via Independent and Internationally Accredited Laboratories
  • Our honey is guaranteed to meet strict New Zealand export standards
  • We can complete all export documentation in house
  • We are registered with Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) as an Approved Exporter of Animal Products
  • We operate under a Risk Management Programme with robust Quality Assurance processes and MPI verification twice yearly
  • We are an EU Approved Storage Premises
  • We have over 15 years commercial beekeeping experience and more than 10 years specialist honey blending experience
The Honey Team - New Zealand Manuka Honey exporters

We are Honey Exporters with more than 10 years specialist honey blending experience and have confidence in our product and in our Team – we can guarantee you Quality and Quantity at a realistic price – so why go anywhere else?